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Hearty Fruit Bowls Recipe

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Importance of Good Nutrition

According to the World Health Organization, good nutrition is crucial to good health, especially to prevent the compromise of your immune system! Here are some tips to maintain a healthy diet.


Be aware of portion sizes! Serve food in smaller plates or bowls to reinforce healthier portion sizes.


Limit your salt intake! The WHO recommends no more than 5g of salt per day, which is possible through the consumption of fresh foods.


Limit your sugar intake! The WHO recommends no more than 6 teaspoons of sugars per day. Consume fresh fruits if you are craving something sweet.

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Increase your fiber intake. Fiber can help prevent overeating; include vegetables, fruits, and whole-grain foods!


Stay hydrated! As opposed to bottled water, tap water is the healthiest alternative (when clean!)


Avoid alcohol, especially when in self-quarantine, since it weakens the immune system.


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Benefits of Greek Yogurt

Greek Yogurt is a great source of protein...

Our body uses protein to build and repair tissues, enzymes, and hormones, serving as a building block for muscles, skin, and blood. About a cup of Greek Yogurt provides roughly 20 grams of protein, 30% of an adult's dietary recommendation. Use this recipe to include Greek Yogurt into your diet with a fun, and fresh way!

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Brussels sprouts are vegetables that resemble small cabbages, and they provide a variety of health benefits. Brussels sprouts are rich in antioxidants, high in fiber, rich in Vitamin K, and can reduce inflammation. In this way, they can reduce the risk of bone fracture, protect against certain diseases and cancer, and increase satiety. 

So go ahead, dig in!

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Benefits of Beans

Beans are a great source of protein... 

Beans are a great source of protein, which is used to repair by our body to build and repair tissues, enzymes, and organs. By providing protein, beans increase satiety and reduce hunger, aiding individuals in weight management. Additionally, beans are full of antioxidants, which counteract free radical damage and reduce the risk of cancer! So, do it for your body, and dig in!

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